Jackson Hole COVID-19 Coverage and Resources
Count on KHOL for vital coverage in Jackson Hole during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your support ensures the future of this essential community service. Become a member today.
The Latest
- Health officials stress that if you feel sick, please stay home and pick up the phone. Call your doctor or St. John’s Health: 307-739-4898 for a COVID-19 phone evaluation
- For those who are under or uninsured, call Teton County Health Department for a COVID-19 free test voucher: 307-733-6401
- To slow the spread of COVID-19, a face mask mandate is in effect for Teton County
- To sign up for COVID-19 Nixle updates for Teton County, text TC_COVID to 888777
Resources + What You Need to Know
Teton County Emergency Services, Teton County Health Department, St. John’s Health and the Town of Jackson launched a resource site with information on food, financial and business assistance; business closures; mental health services; and restaurants offering curbside and takeout options.
KHOL Tracks COVID-19
As COVID Cases Surge, Jackson Enters Pivotal Week
Health officials are urging people to shake their COVID fatigue before the county finds itself in emergency mode.
A Walk in the COVID-Era Woods
Public lands have become the preferred respite for America’s COVID weary. Will Jackson’s pristine places survive the onslaught?
Officials: Consume Local COVID Data with Context, Caution
The COVID-19 dashboard has become a part of residents’ daily digital diets, but it raises as many questions as it answers. Is a lack of data fueling controversy in the community?
Workers Juggle Risky Business
As COVID-19 cases continue to climb in Teton County, some employees, business owners worry for their safety and their jobs.
Mask Mandate Enacted Countywide
After nearly three weeks and a spike in infection rates, state health officer Dr. Alexia Harrist has approved a countywide mask mandate.
‘Smart Start’ Plan Offers Schools Some Steps Forward Amid Pandemic
Teton County School District’s board of trustees approved a multi-tiered roadmap for reopening schools, but questions of safety remain.
Younger Adults Playing Key Role in Virus Transmission
Higher infection rates among this group could lead to a dramatic COVID-19 resurgence in the valley.
Jackson Town Council Passes Mask Mandate
In the absence of an approved countywide measure, the council rushed to enact a face mask ordinance ahead of the busy holiday weekend.
Mask Ordinance Talks Continue
Mayor Muldoon: Time is slipping away to enact a mask mandate as travelers pour in from across the nation.
Council Supports Potential Mask Mandate
Officials have signaled their support for a countywide health order that would require people to wear face masks in public spaces.
House of Cards
Residents, private and public sectors are straining to navigate Jackson’s endless housing crisis amid a global health crisis.
Community Shows Up in Droves for Covid Tests
More than 1,300 people participated in a community Covid-19 testing event. Some wanted to help offer a picture of disease spread in Jackson Hole.