One Small Step: County commission candidate speaks with Wilson resident

This election season KHOL revives the StoryCorps initiative to connect Jackson Hole locals for one-on-one conversations. One Small Step brings people with different beliefs into the recording studio to discover common ground.
Wilson resident Kat Clauson and County Commission candidate Melchor Moore meet for a One Small Step Conversation.

by | Sep 6, 2024 | People

This election season KHOL revives One Small Step, the StoryCorps initiative to connect Jackson Hole locals for one-on-one conversations. One Small Step brings people with different beliefs into the recording studio to talk and discover their common ground. This fall we’re pairing candidates running for local office with the constituents they aim to represent. These conversations cover the who and the why behind our political and religious beliefs and, in just an hour, seek to find some common ground. We kick off this second season of One Small Step in Teton County with Melchor Moore, a candidate for county commissioner and Kat Clauson, a Wilson resident. Although politically and religiously different, they were immediately drawn to one another’s style. Listen above for a snippet from their recent conversation. You can hear the full conversation on the StoryCorps website. Conversations are also archived at the Library of Congress.

Conversations are happening now through October. If you’re interested in having a conversation with a candidate running for town or county office, learn more here.

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