by Robyn Vincent | Nov 8, 2019 | Art & Design, Culture, Gender & Identity
In her paintings, artist Tiki Garcia depicts women liberated from the male gaze. From a young age, Garcia felt commodified by men and this work allows her to dismantle those feelings. “Growing up in the Bay Area and being a relatively attractive young lady, I was...
by Robyn Vincent | Jun 7, 2019 | Art & Design, Community Events, Culture
In a fast-paced, ever-evolving world, how much do we leave behind for the next shiny thing? And what can we learn from revisiting the items we discard? These are the through lines for artists Shrine, Aaron Taylor Kuffner and Mia Dungeon. Jeff Stein has admired the...
by Robyn Vincent | Apr 4, 2019 | Art & Design, Culture
The notion of whether people are shaped by “nature versus nurture” is a long-running debate in the world of psychology and beyond. Those who side with “nature” say our behavior is a product of our biology. Conversely, people on the “nurture” side believe...