Robert F. Kennedy stops off in Jackson as part of president campaign

Tickets for the private happy hour event in Teton County went for $1,500 at a minimum and are sold out.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks with supporters at a campaign rally at Legends Event Center in Phoenix, Arizona in December last year. (Gage Skidmore/CC by 2.0)

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Politics & Policy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is coming to town today, Feb. 8, as part of his 2024 presidential campaign. 

Tickets for the happy hour event went for over a thousand dollars a piece and are sold out. 

Longtime Jacksonite Corey Milligan is an ardent supporter of the independent candidate and organized the gathering.

“I believe that Robert Kennedy Jr. is by far our best choice to be the next president of the United States,” Milligan said. 

Born into a political family, Kennedy has risen to fame as the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, and the son of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. 

He launched his campaign last year as a Democrat, aiming to take down President Joe Biden. When he wasn’t swaying enough Democratic voters, he later decided to run as an independent.

Independent candidates have historically struggled to garner support in the presidential elections, but Kennedy has said he’s changing things. 

“I think he can change the paradigm in our country and in Washington,” Milligan said.

On his website, Kennedy is promising to “end the forever wars, clean up government, increase wealth for all, and tell Americans the truth.” Kennedy is also known for his remarks opposing vaccines.

Corey Milligan (right) poses with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (left) at a campaign event. (Screenshot)

According to Milligan, Jackson is a good place for Kennedy to campaign since it’s “very purple” and he’s running as an independent.

Most of Wyoming is a GOP stronghold. But in Teton County, about 67 percent of voters supported President Joe Biden in 2020, while about 30 percent voted for President Donald Trump.

“People aren’t locked into one political party or another,” Milligan said.

He added that Kennedy could resonate with Teton County voters on environmental issues. Kennedy’s an environmental lawyer and the founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance, a clean water advocacy group.

Milligan also pointed to the wealth in Teton County — which is known for having some of the highest per capita income in the country.

“There’s money here, and this campaign needs money,” Milligan said, noting how hard it is to run as an independent in all 50 states.

At the happy hour event Thursday afternoon, Kennedy will give a talk, answer questions and be available for photos. The private venue location isn’t being disclosed due to safety concerns.

Tickets ranged from $1,500 to $3,300

Kennedy will stop off next in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Bergen County, New Jersey.

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About Hanna Merzbach

Hanna is KHOL's senior reporter and managing editor. A lot of her work focuses on housing and local politics, but also women's health — and whatever else she finds interesting. You can hear her reporting around the country and region on NPR, Wyoming Public Radio and community radio stations around the west. She hails from Bend, Oregon, where she reported for outlets such as the Atlantic, High Country News and Oregon Public Broadcasting. In her free time, you can find Hanna scaling rock walls or adventuring in the mountains.

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